You can craft a story that readers love as much as you do.
I’m here to help you strengthen your story and navigate the book publishing process, so you can feel clear and confident in sharing your passion project with the world.

Does any of this sound familiar?
The book publishing industry feels confusing. You don’t know where to turn, or what steps you need to take:
Misinformation and incorrect assumptions about the book publishing industry abound, so I give my writers tactical tips on what to do next, whether you are interested in pursuing traditional publishing and finding a literary agent, or self-publishing.
Revising your novel feels harder than writing it in the first place:
Self-editing is a tough skill to master, and it can only get you so far. You need an external, constructive editorial eye to point out things you just can’t see in your own story. Feedback from friends and family (if you’re brave enough to share your work!) can sometimes be vague and unhelpful. I step in as the expert you need to steer you in the right direction.
Finding a literary agent can feel next to impossible, and rejection just frankly sucks:
In the vast majority of cases, getting traditionally published by a major publishing house means first getting rejected — a lot. It can be disheartening, disappointing, and confidence-eroding, but all it takes is one literary agent to say “yes,” and you’re on your way. I’m here to help you put your best foot forward when reaching out to literary agents so you can feel confident you’re giving it your best shot.
It's time to step into your power as a storyteller

What are you looking for?
I’ve completed my draft and am ready to elevate and transform my story
I’m ready to query literary agents and want to ensure my materials are as strong as possible
Not sure what service is the best fit for you?
Let’s see where you’re at:
I want our partnership to be a match made in heaven
We’d go together like
pen and paper if…
✓ Your story fits one of my specialty genres
✓ You’re not just looking for an editor, you’re looking for a trusted partner and collaborator
✓ You’re ready to receive constructive feedback to improve your story, even if it means making significant revisions
✓ Our editorial philosophies align
We might not vibe, like
Jekyll and Hyde, if…
✖️ You’re not open to deeply revising your manuscript to make it as strong as it can be
✖️ You value speed over quality
✖️ You’re looking for line editing, copyediting or proofreading

My editorial MISSION:
Supporting, educating, and encouraging aspiring authors by helping them strengthen their stories and pave their publishing path.
I edit with a single goal in mind: to draw out the strongest, most effective version of the story you want to tell. When we work together, I’ll immerse myself in your story, taking detailed notes as I read, then take time to reflect and provide my feedback from a holistic perspective. You’ll receive a clear roadmap that not only identifies the story’s weak points, but provides solutions to fix them.
Let’s break down my editorial philosophy:
My feedback will always prioritize what will make the biggest impact on your story. This means we won’t spend extraneous time perfecting small scene details that will only slightly improve the story when there are other, more transformative edits that will take your story to new heights. Often, once the big-picture issues are addressed, the smaller elements will fall into place.
Writing — and editing — are subjective arts, and we are working together to transform your story. Do not feel obligated to make every single edit I suggest. As the author, you are the visionary for the story, and it is completely OK to say no to some suggestions. You may think of a creative solution to an editorial issue that didn’t even cross my mind, which is the beauty of us being true and equal partners on your project.
Think of your book like wet clay — you can continue to mold and reshape it endlessly (and it might even become something completely different than you originally thought). Allow this process to be energizing and exciting! If it ever feels daunting or overwhelming, remember I’m here to help you through it.

A hands-on, 1:1, comprehensive editing experience to elevate and transform your story
This immersive process will give you a safe, supportive space to step into your power as a writer and fall back in love with your story.
This experience is so much more than a set of deliverables.
You’ll also walk away with:
✓ More confidence and clarity in your story than you ever thought possible
✓ Renewed energy and excitement for your book
✓ Genuine optimism in your ability to reach your publishing dreams
It’s the perfect step to take if you…
- Know there are problems in your draft but don’t know where to start
- Are looking for feedback on the overall plotting and development of your story
- Want to understand how your book fits into the publishing market
First, you’ll be matched with myself or a member of my expert editorial team based on your genre. Then, your editor will complete a comprehensive editorial assessment (also known as a "manuscript evaluation" or "manuscript critique”), providing detailed feedback on structure, plot development, characterizations, pacing, and all the major elements that make your story work.THE REVISION
Now, it’s time to revise. But don’t worry, you’ll have a clear roadmap for what to do, and your editor will be there to help you every step of the way.THE CHECK-IN
Once the revised draft is ready, your editor will review a revised 15-page section of your choosing to help you ensure you’re on the right track, offering further feedback to help you break through any roadblocks you’re facing. -
Editorial Assessment: A comprehensive editorial evaluation of your manuscript by a seasoned developmental editor with traditional publishing experience in your genre. Your editor will evaluate all the fundamental aspects of your story and provide tactical revision suggestions, covering elements such as:
Character development
Tone and voice
Commercial viability
And more!
Revision Check-In: A second review of 15 pages of your choosing to evaluate the effectiveness of your revisions
Ongoing support: You need an editor who is going to be by your side throughout the revising process. You shouldn’t have to go it alone! Even after you’ve finished the Stronger Story Package, your editor will remain available via email if you hit any roadblocks.
Established client discount: If it’d be helpful to have another full review of the revised manuscript (we love working with authors through multiple drafts!), you will be eligible for a discount exclusive to established clients.
Query letter review
Synopsis review
Sample pages review
Phone or video consultations
Submit the form below for a custom quote and editorial assessment samples!
50+ years of traditional publishing experience
The perfect fit for your genre
It’s critical to ensure the editor you choose has a skillset and background that align with your needs and goals. Luckily, you need to look no further for your perfect fit!
In addition to working with authors individually, I’ve hand-selected a team of seasoned developmental editors including current Big Five editors, active literary agents, and traditionally published authors.
We specialize in the following genres:
✓ Thrillers, mysteries, and suspense
✓ Sci-fi, fantasy, and speculative fiction
✓ Women’s fiction
✓ Romance
✓ Historical fiction
✓ Literary fiction
✓ Horror
✓ YA fiction
✓ Middle grade fiction
✓ Picture books
✓ Memoir
✓ Anything that can be devoured in one sitting!
Not writing in one of these genres? No problem! We still may be able to help, so please reach out!

I hired Alyssa after struggling to address feedback from my agent, who didn't feel my suspense novel was working. After sending my agent the revised version, he said that he loved it, and the novel went out on submission to editors at publishing houses!
Alyssa's expertise in the suspense/thriller genre allowed me to improve the tension, pacing, and plot development. Even after our collaboration ended, Alyssa went the extra mile and continued to answer questions and bounce ideas. I plan to work with her on my future novels.

A personalized collaboration designed to ensure you catch agents’ attention
What’s included:
Query Letter Review: A first line of defense to help your query letter get noticed and pulled out of the dreaded “slush pile.”
Synopsis Review*: Writing a synopsis can feel like pulling teeth. Let’s make sure it shines and reflects all the amazing qualities of your story.
*If you don’t have a synopsis, we will extend the sample pages review to include the first 15,000 words
Sample Pages Review: The first 50 pages of your story are the most critical to hooking a literary agent’s interest. I’ll help you strengthen your opening scenes so agents can’t wait to read more!
A review of literary agents you are considering querying
Unlimited email communication with me throughout your querying journey
Submit the form below for a custom quote!
Looking for just a query letter review?

Getting started is easy:
Hit that inquire now button if you’re ready to take the next steps. Still have questions? Check out my FAQs.
Tell me more about your project via the inquiry form
I’ll review your project details and sample pages to confirm YOUR BOOK IS a perfect match FOR ME OR a member of the TEAM
We’ll chat THROUGH ALL YOUR QUESTIONS and confirm our collaboration timeline
Our collaboration really starts from the moment you tell me about your story.
I deeply value my client relationships, and I promise that our work together will have you feeling more confident in your story — and your publishing path — than ever before.

Meet your story sidekick:
Hey, I'm Alyssa - I’m passionate about making a powerful and lasting impact through storytelling.
I help writers just like you feel more confident in their stories and get one step closer to their dream of seeing it published.
You need an editor who is going to be by your side throughout the revising process. You shouldn’t have to go it alone! There’s nothing I enjoy more than supporting aspiring authors throughout their book writing journey.
When I’m not editing books, you’ll find me sipping on a latte, reading about the Titanic, or cuddling my goldendoodle.
Learn more about me.
Are you ready to make your story stronger?

Alyssa was kind and tactful with all her feedback, and her suggestions absolutely made my story better. Then, the very first agent I queried requested to read the whole manuscript after reading the revised pages we worked on!
This was my first experience working with an editor for my debut novel, and I couldn’t have been more pleased with Alyssa. Having Alyssa edit my manuscript was truly one of the best decisions I could have made. I would definitely use her again.